질문 영어 해석좀 부탁드립니다 너무 급해요ㅠㅠ
비공개 조회수 2,178 작성일2015.01.12

번역기 말고 제대로 해석좀 부탁 드립니다.

1. Reluctant to leave school(코리아 타임즈 15년1월8일)


College graduation is supposed to be an occasion filled with hope and excitement the first step into society and a prosperous future. But this has not been the case recently in Korea where nearly half of graduates cannot secure jobs. Even the other fortunate half often find themselves in jobs they don't like or those which do not require college diploma.


So, many of these jobless graduates almost 20 percent of them in 2014 opted to stay in school by putting off graduation. By retaining student status, they can use libraries, prepare for recruitment exams together and, most importantly, avoid being referred to as unemployed youths.


Even that will likely be difficult this year because some colleges are moving to force students to register for at least one course, paying about 500,000 won ($450) in tuition on average.


These steps are not entirely incomprehensible because the schools have to spend extra maintenance cost because of what they call the ''NG (no graduation) tribes," who also cause inconvenience to their juniors. If so, however, these schools had better ban the postponement of graduation instead of selling the student status for money. If a university has about 3,000 such students, it can increase revenue by 1.5 billion won.


The colleges, including Ewha Womans, Konkuk and Sogang, are advised to drop this pitiless idea.


Koreans are well aware of how the nation's private universities have been bold about raising tuition and stingy in making investments for their students. They must be able to shoulder additional costs. The school foundations are also loath to see their number of students per professor rise because of these graduates refusing to leave schools, which will pull down their places in the education ministry's college rankings that in turn are closely linked available government subsidies.


Few Koreans are so naïve any longer as to expect universities to remain as ivory towers, but these schools should try to at least avoid appearing like as heartless profit-seekers as greedy businesses. The education ministry is not free from blame either, if it just sits and watches these schools virtually discontinue deferred graduation, because it was the government that introduced this system in the aftermath of the financial crisis to make the youth unemployment rate seem lower than it actually was.


As always, however, employers hold the key in rectifying the rather abnormal practice of refusing to graduate, by ceasing to discriminate against graduates. Currently, most companies prefer undergraduates in providing opportunities for internships, participation in various contests, or even job interviews.


They should stop this unreasonable and discriminatory employment practice. It is society as a whole schools, industry and government that should keep what they say is best-educated and most-prepared generation in the nation's history from remaining in colleges for an extra year or even two.


Korea's future depends on how it can get these graduates out of the campus and into the job market as soon as they finish courses.


Change in English test(코리아타임즈 14년 12월 27일)


Education authorities have decided to introduce an absolute grading system for the English section in the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT). The new system will replace the current relative grading system and apply to CSAT test-takers in 2017, students who are currently ninth graders.


Under the absolute grading system, test-takers will receive the same grade if their English scores exceed certain levels. This is certainly a drastic policy change, which raises the possibility that the English section may become meaningless in the standardized test.


In reaching the decision, the Ministry of Education held public hearings and conducted surveys of experts, parents and teachers. The decision comes after the ministry prohibited English kindergartens from hiring foreign instructors last week to ease excessive competition to get high scores in English, which results in lavish spending on private education. According to the ministry's estimates, Koreans spent about 18 trillion won on private education last year, and one third of that amount was used for English lessons.


The absolute grading system will also serve as a good occasion to normalize our school English education by having teachers place more emphasis on improving students' communication skills rather than on solving CSAT questions.


But there will be serious side effects that can overshadow the positive effects from the policy change.


First of all, the new system could cause higher demand for private education in other key subjects such as math and Korean language, which will still be evaluated according to the relative grading system. Universities will also feel the need to force students to undergo their own English exams such as interviewing applicants in English to select who they believe are excellent students. In this case, there might be a craze for private English education contrary to authorities' expectations.


Also, there is a growing concern about a downward equalization of students' English abilities as both teachers and students reduce time in teaching and learning at a time when the importance of English as a lingua franca is rising fast.


It may be possible over the long term for the authorities to adopt the absolute grading system for other subjects so that universities can select successful applicants not by test scores but by school grades and extracurricular activities. But this is easier said than done, considering the wide gulf in academic abilities between high schools.


Given all these problems, it will be critical to maximize positive effects and minimize side effects from the impending policy change. This is urgent, given that English curricula for current middle school students must be altered as early as next year.


There is no correct answer to education matters, but the point is that our English education should be focused on improving students' practical linguistic abilities.




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1. Reluctant to leave school [ 학교를 떠나길 떠리는 ](코리아 타임즈 15년1월8일)

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College graduation is supposed to be an occasion filled with hope and excitement[ 대학 졸업은 희망과 흥분감으로 가득한 사건이다 ]  the first step into society and a prosperous future. [ 사회와 번영하는 미래에의 첫 발걸음이다 ]But this has not been the case recently in Korea where nearly half of graduates cannot secure jobs.[ 그러나 거의 절반의 졸업자들이 직업을 갖지못하는게 현재의 한국이다 ] Even the other fortunate half often find themselves in jobs they don't like or those which do not require college diploma. [ 그러나 그 운이좋은 절반도 대학졸업장을 요구하지않거나 그들이 원하지않는 직업에 종사하게된다 ]

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So, many of these jobless graduates  almost 20 percent of them in 2014 opted to stay in school by putting off graduation.[ 그래서 2014년 거의 20퍼센트의 그들이 졸업을 연기하고 학교에 머물기를 선택한다 ] By retaining student status, they can use libraries, prepare for recruitment exams together and, most importantly, avoid being referred to as unemployed youths. [ 학생이라는 신분을 보유한채 그들은 도서관을 이용할수있고 입사시험을 함께 준비하며 무직자라는 칭호를 피할수있는것이다 ]

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Even that will likely be difficult this year because some colleges are moving to force students to register for at least one course, paying about 500,000 won ($450) in tuition on average.

[ 저것 조차도 이번년도는 불가능할것같은데 몇몇 대학들이 적어도 50만원이나 하는 한 코스를 등록하라고 학생들에게 압박을 가하기 때문이다.

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These steps are not entirely incomprehensible because the schools have to spend extra maintenance cost because of what they call the ''NG (no graduation) tribes," who also cause inconvenience to their juniors. [ 이런 조치들도 완전히 이해할수없는건 아닌것이 학교측에선 졸업하지않은 학생들이 재학생들에게 끼치는 불편과 시설들을 보수해야하는 추가비용들 때문이다. If so, however, these schools had better ban the postponement of graduation instead of selling the student status for money.[ 그러나 학생의 지위를 돈으로 판매하는것보다는 졸업을 연기하는게 더 나았었을거다 ]  If a university has about 3,000 such students, it can increase revenue by 1.5 billion won.

[ 만약 대학에 3000명의 이런 학생들이 있다면 그건 1.5억원이나 수익을 증가시킬수있다.

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The colleges, including Ewha Womans, Konkuk and Sogang, are advised to drop this pitiless idea.

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Koreans are well aware of how the nation's private universities have been bold about raising tuition and stingy in making investments for their students. [ 한국인들은 사립대학교들이 수업료를 올리는데 얼마나 강단지고 그들의 학생들에게 투자하는게 얼마나 인색하게 구는지 잘 알고있다 ] They must be able to shoulder additional costs. [ 그들은 추가부담을 그들스스로 짊어져야한다 ]The school foundations are also loath to see their number of students per professor rise because of these graduates refusing to leave schools, which will pull down their places in the education ministry's college rankings that in turn are closely linked available government subsidies. [ 학교 재단에서도 학교를 졸업하길 거절하는 학생들때문에 교수당 학생수가 늘어나는걸 원하지않는데 이는 교육부의 대학랭킹이 정부의 장려금이랑 연결되어있기 때문이다 ]<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->

Few Koreans are so naïve any longer as to expect universities to remain as ivory towers, but these schools should try to at least avoid appearing like as heartless profit-seekers as greedy businesses. [ 상아탑처럼 대학교가 머물러있다고 믿는 한국인들은 거의 없다 그러나 이 대학들은 자신들이 탐욕스런 기업들처럼 이익만을 추구하는 무심한사람들로 보여지길 피하려하고있다 ] The education ministry is not free from blame either, if it just sits and watches these schools virtually discontinue deferred graduation, because it was the government that introduced this system in the aftermath of the financial crisis to make the youth unemployment rate seem lower than it actually was.

[ 그러나 만약 교육부에서 대학들이 학생들이 졸업을 연기하는걸 중단시키는걸 앉아 방관만하고있다면 비난을 피할순 없을것인데 이는 정부에서 무직자비율을 낮춰보이길 재정위기속에서 기도하며 이런 시스템을 도입한것이기 때문이다 . ]

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As always, however, employers hold the key in rectifying the rather abnormal practice of refusing to graduate, by ceasing to discriminate against graduates. Currently, most companies prefer undergraduates in providing opportunities for internships, participation in various contests, or even job interviews. [ 그러나 고용주들은 졸업을 거부하는 이 비정상적인 사태를 조정할수있는 중요한열쇠를 지니고있는데 졸업자에게 차별을 대하는행위를 중단하는것이다. ]

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They should stop this unreasonable and discriminatory employment practice.[ 그들은 이 비합리적이고 차별적인 고용관행을 중지해야한다 ] It is society as a whole schools, industry and government that should keep what they say is best-educated and most-prepared generation in the nation's history from remaining in colleges for an extra year or even two. [ 그건 학교 산업 정부 전체로서 사회에서 말하는 역사상 아주잘교육되고 준비된 졸업을 일년 이년 연기하고있는 세대들을 확보시켜야한다는것이다 ]

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Korea's future depends on how it can get these graduates out of the campus and into the job market as soon as they finish courses. [ 그들이 학업을 마치고 캠퍼스 밖으로 나오자마자 그들을 어떻게해야 확보할수있는지에 한국의 미래가 달려있다. ]





Change in English test [ 영어시험에의 변화 ](코리아타임즈 14년 12월 27일)

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Education authorities have decided to introduce an absolute grading system for the English section in the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT).[ 교육부가 CSAT 라는 시험에있어 영어부문에 절대평가를 도입하기로 결정했다 ] The new system will replace the current relative grading system and apply to CSAT test-takers in 2017, students who are currently ninth graders. [ 현재 9학년 2017년에 CSAT 시험을 치루는학생들은 상대평가에서 절대평가로 바뀔것이다 ]

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Under the absolute grading system, test-takers will receive the same grade if their English scores exceed certain levels. [ 만약 그들의 점수가 특정수준을 넘는다면 시험응시자들은 같은 등급을 받게될것이다 ] This is certainly a drastic policy change, which raises the possibility that the English section may become meaningless in the standardized test. [ 이건 영어부문에서 규격화된 시험에 의미가 없어질가능성이 있는 급격한 정책변화이다 ]  

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In reaching the decision, the Ministry of Education held public hearings and conducted surveys of experts, parents and teachers. [ 결정함에 있어 교육부는 공식청문회를 열어서 전문가와 학부모 교사들에게 설문조사를 시행했다 ] The decision comes after the ministry prohibited English kindergartens from hiring foreign instructors last week to ease excessive competition to get high scores in English, which results in lavish spending on private education. [ 이 결정은 교육부가 영어고득점을 얻기위한 사교육에의 사치스런지출을 이르는 과도한경쟁을 완화하기위해 영어유치원측에 지난주에 원어민강사를 고용하는걸 금지하고 난후에 나온결정이다 ] According to the ministry's estimates, Koreans spent about 18 trillion won on private education last year, and one third of that amount was used for English lessons. [ 교육부의 추정에 의하면 한국인들은 18조원에 이르는금액을 사교육에 지출했고 그의 3분의1은 영어교육에 사용된다. ]

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The absolute grading system will also serve as a good occasion to normalize our school English education by having teachers place more emphasis on improving students' communication skills rather than on solving CSAT questions. [  이 절대평가시험은 CSAT 문제를 풀기위한것보다 학생들의 의사소통을 향상시키는데 초점을 두게하는 선생들의 교육법에의해 우리의 학교영어교육이 정상화되는 좋은사건이 될것이다 ]

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But there will be serious side effects that can overshadow the positive effects from the policy change. [ 그러나 긍정적 정책변화의 효과를 무색하게만드는 부작용도 있을것이다 ]

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First of all, the new system could cause higher demand for private education in other key subjects such as math and Korean language, which will still be evaluated according to the relative grading system. [ 첫번째로 그 새로운 절대평가시스템은 다른 주요과목인 수학과 국어과목에의 사교육의 수요를 증가시킬수 있다 ] Universities will also feel the need to force students to undergo their own English exams such as interviewing applicants in English to select who they believe are excellent students. In this case, there might be a craze for private English education contrary to authorities' expectations. [ 대학들은 누가 훌륭한 학생인지 선별하기위해 지원자를 면접하는데 영어로 면접하게 하여 이는 당국과의 의사에 반한 사교육의 열기를 올려놓을수도있다 ]

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Also, there is a growing concern about a downward equalization of students' English abilities as both teachers and students reduce time in teaching and learning at a time when the importance of English as a lingua franca is rising fast. [ 또한 세계공용어인 영어의 중요성이 빠르게 증가할때 가르치는 선생님이나 배우는학생이 동시에 영어에대한 투자시간을 줄이면서 학생들의 영어능력이 하향하여 동일화되는것에 대한 걱정도 있다 ]

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It may be possible over the long term for the authorities to adopt the absolute grading system for other subjects so that universities can select successful applicants not by test scores but by school grades and extracurricular activities. [ 장기간에 걸쳐서는 당국이 다른 주과목들에 대해서도 절대평가를 채택하는게 가능할수도있는데 그러므로 시험점수가아닌 내신이나 교외활동에의해 훌륭한 지원자를 선별할수있도록하는 ]  But this is easier said than done, considering the wide gulf in academic abilities between high schools. [ 그러나 이건 행동보단 말이 쉽다는건데 고등학교간의 학업능력을 고려해보면 그렇다 ]

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Given all these problems, it will be critical to maximize positive effects and minimize side effects from the impending policy change.[ 이 문제들이 주어진다면 임박한 정책변화로부터의 부작용은 줄이고 긍적적인 효과를 극대화하는게 중요할것이다 ]  This is urgent, given that English curricula for current middle school students must be altered as early as next year. [ 이것은 내년부터 중학생들은 현영어교과과정이 변화되어야 하기때문에 급박하다 ]

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There is no correct answer to education matters, but the point is that our English education should be focused on improving students' practical linguistic abilities.

[ 교육문제에 옳은 해답이 없지만 중요한건 학생의 실용영어능력을 향상시키는데 초점을 두어야 한다는것이다 ]


수학이나 절대평가로 바꾸지 한학교에 수포자비율이 몇인데ㅋ..



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